Industry Forum 2022 IEEE Experts Podium Conference „Cyber Security in vulnerable facilities and devices“

Global Sourcing – in herausfordernden Zeiten – in challenging times

Zum Artikel auf englisch: LINK: Global Sourcing_Strategie_2022_EN Zum Artikel auf deutsch: LINK: Global Sourcing_Strategie_2022 Aufgrund meiner wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung im Rahmen meiner Masterarbeit, 2020-2022 konnte ich die Entscheidungswege SME (KMU´s) und Grossunternehmen beleuchten, die Einfluss auf Unternehmenserfolge haben. Anlass dazu, hat mir die veränderte Supply Chain und das geltende Liefergesetz gegeben, hierzu einen Artikel zu verfassen. Ihre […]
2020 Sustainablility – 2030

A special status of the 2030 Sustainability Goals agreed by the United Nations of the UN member states is the composition of the individual goals and their effects on the global interaction of the actors. Switzerland also continues to pursue its goals of achieving them and enables you to participate in this political and social […]
Connecting Mobility in the Last Mile

Executive Summary We want to establish a new culture that… 29.10.2021 Executive Summary Smart mobility for elder generation as a concept has its roots within the smart cities model. Driven by policy, technology, and community, the primary goal of smart cities is to deliver productivity, innovation, livability, wellbeing, sustainability, accessibility, and good governance and […]