Elderly Care 4.0 Digitalization

time for acting in our age of responsibility and attitude read and click the article: 2022-update-airpurheaen The 60+ generation is often reluctant to use smart devices. AHC has aimed itself the goal of providing tablets suitable for senior citizens that simplify use and access to the digital world for older people and their carers and […]
Integrierte Projektabwicklung und Multiprojektwesen

Sind Sie Interessiert Ihre Bauprojekte in den Griff zu bekommen ? …Wenn Ja… dann setzen Sie endlich um… Bauprojekte werden immer komplexer. Steigende Nachfrage durch tiefe Zinsen und Zuwanderung, steigender Zeit- und Kostendruck, sowie ein erhöhtes Bedürfnis nach Nachhaltigkeit und Qualität führen dazu, dass eine steigende Zahl von Beteiligten auf den Bauprojekten tätig ist. […]
IEEE 2023 in 04.04.-09.04.2023 Orlando in Florida US. Cyber and other threats and why engineers…

“Why it needs the global perspective of risks in industries and specially for individual engineers in an society. Threats in an new business field in the ecosystem.”
International Contribution at SZTU in 2022 „Why IBM“ matters…

Activation of Board Members in Companies- „Sparringpartners are more required than ever before…“

Industry Forum 2022 IEEE Experts Podium Conference „Cyber Security in vulnerable facilities and devices“

Industry Forum 2021 Elderly Care Digitalization Project

Click for the full report above (pic.) Ludwig Sadredin Sahesch-Pur, chief executive officer of Airpur Drones for the Future, closed the forum with “Connecting Mobility in the Last Mile by Digitalization for Senior Citizens.” They said smart mobility for the elderly, as a concept, has its roots in the smart cities model, with a goal to provide productivity, innovation, livability, well-being, […]
Course Material 2022 in „Internationalization Business Adminstration“

Dear Students, please find here few cource modules for seminar 2022 to my fellows in internationalization business administration and risk assessment according to university and intern regulative administrational rules the appropriate download can be performed via the attached module link above (last update: 31th August 2022) Click for Modules 01-07 [IBM] Module 01-07 […]
Global Sourcing – in herausfordernden Zeiten – in challenging times

Zum Artikel auf englisch: LINK: Global Sourcing_Strategie_2022_EN Zum Artikel auf deutsch: LINK: Global Sourcing_Strategie_2022 Aufgrund meiner wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung im Rahmen meiner Masterarbeit, 2020-2022 konnte ich die Entscheidungswege SME (KMU´s) und Grossunternehmen beleuchten, die Einfluss auf Unternehmenserfolge haben. Anlass dazu, hat mir die veränderte Supply Chain und das geltende Liefergesetz gegeben, hierzu einen Artikel zu verfassen. Ihre […]
Experiences since 2006

Since 2006 beginning of international experience in power plant and comm. and inspection risk assessment management environment, to ensure safety and security on and off site. Taking care of technical power station related interfaces, fron gas turbin, generator and steam turbine parts, supporting of commissioning work, worldwide on all engines rating of SIEMENS ALSTOM Power […]